Reclaiming Earth's Most

Valuable Resource

Service Area Map

IMpact Fee




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Protecting Our Communities

Preserving our environment

The North Davis Sewer Association was formed in 1946 to acquire from the U.S. government the North Davis Sewer constructed in 1943 with federal funding. A Special Service District was organized out of the Association in 1954 giving it authority to levy taxes, issue bonds, and construct a sewage collection and treatment system. Today, the District collects and treats wastewater from approximately 80 square miles with a population of about 238,000. The District is made up of the cities of Clearfield, Clinton, Layton, Roy, Sunset, Syracuse, West Point, and a small area of Kaysville, Hill Air Force Base, and areas of unincorporated Davis and Weber counties. The District serves the area extending north to south from Roy to Kaysville, and east to west from the Wasatch Mountains to the Great Salt Lake. 

Online Payments

The North Davis  Sewer District understands the importance of providing residents and businesses with efficient payment options. With the aim of enhancing customer experience and simplifying financial transactions, the district has implemented a user-friendly online payment system.


While the primary focus of the North Davis Sewer District is wastewater management, the district recognizes the importance of education in promoting environmental awareness and fostering a sustainable future within the communities it serves.